Video Vortex: Creative Writing Workshops for Primary Homeschool
Join our free creative writing workshops with Sydney’s Story Factory. Enjoy our multi-age primary workshops.
Three week online program:
Week 1: Monday 26 August, 2 - 3 pm AEST
Week 2: Monday 2 September, 2 - 3 pm AEST
Week 3: Monday 9 September, 2 - 3 pm AEST
Video Vortex: Students imagine they have travelled through a vortex and are now trapped inside the world of a retro video game called (you guessed it!) Video Vortex. They choose their own avatar who progresses through the strange and different levels of this game as they overcome obstacles to “level up” and return home. Students develop skills in sensory writing and focus on world building and narrative structure as they create short episodes/chapters that describe their experiences moving through the game.
Recommended ages: 8-11
Odes and Anti-Odes: Creative Writing Workshops for Teens
Join our free creative writing workshops with Sydney’s Story Factory. Enjoy our multi-age teens workshops.
Three week online program:
Week 1: Monday 26 August, 1 - 2 pm AEST
Week 2: Monday 2 September, 1 - 2 pm AEST
Week 3: Monday 9 September, 1 - 2 pm AEST
Odes and Anti-Odes: In this short series students will have the opportunity to both rant and celebrate! Students will learn about the form, language features and history of the ode as well as some useful strategies for idea generating, using mentor texts and beginning a draft.
Recommended ages: 12-17
Homeschool Hotine Code Club
Introduction to Scratch
Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of coding? Our Code Club Workshops are the perfect opportunity for students to explore programming and develop their skills in a fun and interactive environment.
Free Online Sessions: Held on Tuesdays at 1 pm
Why Join Us?
Learn coding in a supportive and engaging environment
Develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills
Connect with like-minded peers and mentors
Enrolments are now open (8+ years). Limited spaces.
We can’t wait to start coding with you!
Game Design for Beginners
Is your student passionate about games? Are they interested in game design, coding, or perhaps creating game art or cool sound effects?
Join my latest masterclass, featuring special guests Conglomerate Squad, teen game developers. Conglomerate Squad won the national title twice in the Australian STEM Video Game Challenge for 2022 and 2023 with their games Satellite Jump and Battle of Batone.
Join our waitlist now to ensure you don't miss out on this opportunity to dive into the world of game design for beginners!
Date: Tuesday 30 April, 2024 @ 1PM AEST
Duke of Edinburgh Award Q&A parent information session.
Coming soon
Answering FAQs about the Duke of Edinburgh Award. How to get involved and why we love the program. How to include this in your home education program and build a fantastic student resume. How to find an Award Leader to get started.
Competitions that boost our homeschool experience.
Coming soon
How we earned over $3K in one year entering education based competitions. How we used these competitions to inspire learning and foster talent. How to turn competition entries into student samples for home education reports.
Regional, rural and remote home education.
Coming soon
In this workshop Jillina will share tips and practical ways to develop rich education experiences despite location. Including how to incorporate resources, competitions, education providers, virtual excursions, and funding great for regional and rural homeschoolers.
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